85 South Show on the Road in San Antonio


The 85 south show is a podcast based in Atlanta. They tell jokes non stop. The core team Karlous, Chico, and DC. They are incredibly talented.

The show was taken on the road with Google podcasts. This episode on financial literacy was pulled onto the streets of San Antonio. Through the bluetooth system and out the speakers of a Toyota Corolla.

Podcast link: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZGNsb3VkLmNvbS91c2Vycy9zb3VuZGNsb3VkOnVzZXJzOjE5NDQ1NTk1Mi9zb3VuZHMucnNz&episode=MzZlNjQzMDQtNWNkOS0xMWViLWFhYzUtNTM2Zjk0ZmU3YmI4


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